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McDonald's 麥當勞
JoJo Indian Cuisine
堅信號上海生煎皇 Ging Sun Ho King Of Bun
龍點心 Lung Dim Sum
Sister Wah 華姐清湯腩
Chrisly Cafe 華星冰室
西貢街頭越南牛肉粉 Phở Sài Gòn Vietnamese Cuisine
八方雲集鍋貼水餃專門店 Bafang Yunji
Triple O's
Harvest House Sushi 家賀屋刺身壽司專門店
上海弄堂菜肉餛飩 Shanghai Lane
R&R Bagels
Malacca Cuisine 馬六
呇 Qi - House of Sichuan
Pret A Manger
海皇粥店 Ocean Empire
Sushiraku 鮨樂
FRITES Belgium on Tap
純子餐廳 JoonGo House Korean Restaurant
🚚 Goobne Chicken - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
百芳池上便當 Bai Fung Bento (Harbour)
祥興記上海生煎包 Cheung Hing Kee Shanghai Pan-fried Buns
BOWLS by Knead